Sky Of Love

Tanggal rilis: 3 November 2007 (Jepang)
During her freshman year in high school, Mika Tahara loses her cell phone, but later finds it in the school library with the help of an unknown caller. Throughout the summer, Mika and the mysterious caller continue to communicate, and agree to meet each other once school starts again. The caller turns out to be Hiro, a delinquent-like boy that Mika is initially afraid of, who shows proof of his identity as the caller with a photo of the sky on his cellular phone.
From her friends and through her first sexual encounter with Hiro, Mika learns that he had a girlfriend named Saki. Although Hiro reassures her that he broke up with her, Saki, who still is in love with Hiro, holds a vendetta against Mika and hires a group of men to rape her. The horrific encounter ends with Hiro and his older sister Minako punishing both the men and Saki, but Mika continues to be harassed at school when Saki spreads rumors about her. Hiro protects Mika from all of the bullying advances, but she assures him that she's not frightened from being with him.
Mika later becomes pregnant after she and Hiro consummate in the school library. Hiro is thrilled by the news and both of them gain Hiro's parents' permission to raise the child together, although Mika's parents disapprove of the action. Despite this, Mika is determined to have the baby. After an altercation with Saki, the baby's birth ends in a miscarriage. Despaired, Mika and Hiro build a grave for their baby and promise each other to come visit the memorial yearly on the day of the baby's death.
Shortly after their second year in high school begins, Hiro begins to distance himself from Mika and breaks up with her. Although hurt, Mika meets a college student named Yū at a gōkon, who becomes sympathetic to her situation. The two date, and Yū even prevents Mika's parents from divorcing. On the day of the baby's death, Mika finds Hiro visiting the grave as per their promise. The next year, she continues to move on from Hiro; however, on the day of the baby's death, Mika finds Nozomu at the grave. Nozomu reveals Hiro's illness, and that he was asked by Hiro himself to watch over Mika.
Mika breaks up with Yū and finds Hiro in the hospital, diagnosed with cancer, with only three months left to live. Upset that he pretended he didn't love her only to ensure she would have a happy future, she insists that only he can make her happy. Hiro eventually gives into his feelings and gets back together with her. Mika begins to visit the hospital daily, even taking an academic leave, to take care of Hiro, who slowly begins to show signs of recovery. Hiro's resolve to live becomes stronger until he dies during a check-up. Mika is saddened by Hiro's death and tries to commit suicide, but is stopped by a flock of birds flying towards her. She takes this as a sign of Hiro, in the sky, discouraging her from killing herself, and realizes through this and Hiro's journal that he would have wanted her to continue to live. Seven years later, she reflects on how her life had changed upon meeting Hiro, and that she is living happily with him and their baby in mind.

sinopsis:  Selama tahun pertamanya di sekolah tinggi, Mika Tahara kehilangan telepon selulernya, tapi kemudian menemukan itu di perpustakaan sekolah dengan bantuan seorang penelepon yang tidak dikenal. Sepanjang musim panas, Mika dan penelepon misterius terus berkomunikasi, dan setuju untuk saling bertemu sekali sekolah dimulai lagi. Penelepon itu ternyata Hiro, seorang anak nakal seperti itu Mika awalnya takut, yang menunjukkan bukti identitas sebagai pemanggil dengan foto langit di telepon selulernya.Dari teman-temannya dan melalui hubungan seksual pertamanya dengan Hiro, Mika belajar bahwa ia memiliki pacar bernama Saki. Meskipun Hiro meyakinkan bahwa dia putus dengan dia, Saki, yang masih jatuh cinta dengan Hiro, memegang dendam terhadap Mika dan mempekerjakan sekelompok orang memperkosanya. Pertemuan mengerikan berakhir dengan Hiro dan kakaknya Minako menghukum baik laki-laki dan Saki, tapi Mika terus dilecehkan di sekolah ketika Saki menyebar rumor tentang dia. Hiro melindungi Mika dari semua kemajuan bullying, tapi dia meyakinkannya bahwa dia tidak takut dari menjadi dengan dia.Mika kemudian menjadi hamil setelah dia dan Hiro sempurna di perpustakaan sekolah. Hiro senang dengan berita dan keduanya mendapatkan izin orang tua Hiro untuk membesarkan anak bersama-sama, meskipun orang tua Mika tidak menyetujui tindakan. Meskipun demikian, Mika bertekad untuk memiliki bayi. Setelah perselisihan dengan Saki, kelahiran bayi berakhir di keguguran. Putus asa, Mika dan Hiro membangun makam untuk bayi mereka dan berjanji satu sama lain untuk datang mengunjungi memorial tahunan pada hari kematian bayi.Tak lama setelah tahun kedua mereka di SMA dimulai, Hiro mulai menjauhkan diri dari Mika dan putus dengan dia. Meskipun sakit, Mika bertemu dengan seorang mahasiswa bernama Yu pada gōkon, yang menjadi bersimpati dengan situasi nya. Kedua date, dan Yu bahkan mencegah orang tua Mika dari menceraikan. Pada hari kematian bayi, Mika menemukan Hiro mengunjungi makam sesuai janji mereka. Tahun berikutnya, ia terus bergerak dari Hiro; Namun, pada hari kematian bayi, Mika menemukan Nozomu di kuburan. Nozomu mengungkapkan penyakit Hiro, dan bahwa ia diminta oleh Hiro dirinya untuk mengawasi Mika.

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Sub : tergabung dengan film
sumber : Cinemaindo
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